Financial Reporting Framework: Reporting on baseline and progress towards 2015

  published: 28 Aug 2018
Identification of respondent
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
National Focal Point
Contact details of the respondent
Astrid Hilgers
CBD National Focal point
Ministry of Agriculture, nature and Food Quality
Nature and Biodiversity
  • +31-6-38825293
1. International financial resource flows

1.1 Please indicate the amount of resources provided by your country in support of biodiversity in developing countries, in particular least developed countries and small island developing States, as well as countries with economies in transition.

Please indicate, as appropriate, the nominal amount of financial resources provided by source as well as the total amount. Please also indicate your degree of confidence in the estimated amount or, alternatively, provide a range of estimates.

Euro Member Countries (EUR)
in millions
Year ODA OOF Other flows Total
2006 159 159
2007 97 97
2008 93 93
2009 95 95
2010 87 87
Average (baseline) 106 0 0 106
  • Bilateral
  • Multilateral
  • Directly related
  • Indirectly related
OECD DAC Rio markers
Year ODA OOF Other flows Total
2015 51 0 0 51
Methodological information:
  • Comprehensive measures taken
• [ 3 ] The policy of the Dutch government is committed to reduce the ecological effects and to stimulate a more efficient production and consumption [...]serious efforts are underway to limit it (i.e. the ecological footprint) as much as possible. This happens for example through the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), but also through direct agreements between businesses and social organisations. • [ 4 ] WAVES: The Netherlands government supports implementation of the WAVES initiative and the development of the natural capital accounting framework SEEA-SEA • [ 5 ] More extensive information on other Dutch initiatives is available in our Fifth National Report.’’
2. Inclusion of biodiversity in priorities and plans
Some inclusion achieved
See country profile of the Netherlands on www.cbd.int for our NBSAP and answer to question 8 in our fifth National report. )
3. Assessment and/or evaluation of values
  • Comprehensive assessments undertaken
• ([ 1 ] The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB): As from 2011 a number of thematic TEEB studies have been commissioned and a number of them have been finalized. (http://www.biodiversiteit.nl/teeb). With TEEB-NL the Dutch government aims for improved transparency of economic value, in terms of costs and benefits of ecosystem services for businesses, government and citizens. The result are in the first place meant to raise awareness of the fact that the value of biodiversity and ecosystems should be incorporated in decision making processes for policies and investments. The results of TEEB-NL also include concrete proposals or prospects for action. • [ 2 ] ANK (Digital Atlas Natural Capital): ANK is the Dutch National Ecosystem Assessment. It’s goal is to provide a geographical or GIS-based inventory of the national ecosystems and their services. The inventory offers both qualitative and quantitative description of the national ecosystems, including a monetary valuation. The project is a national implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy initiative called MAES (Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services). ANK is a multi-year project that started in 2012. http://www.atlasnatuurlijkapitaal.nl • [ 3 ] Natural Capital Accounting: The Dutch government has commissioned the development of a national Natural Capital Account to the national statistics office (Statistics Netherlands, CBS) in collaboration with Wageningen Research Centre. A first pilot was carried out in 2014-2015, working according the UN-SEEA framework for experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA - EEA). The Dutch work and experience also contribute to the further development of the international knowlegde base for natural capital accounting. • [ 4 ] Green Deals: Green deals are a form of public private partnerships or agreements to stimulate sustainable initiatives. Green Deals have been initiated in the field of energy, climate, water, biodiversity and many more. The Green Deal approach centres on businesses, civil society organizations and authorities seizing every possible opportunity for greening with activities that contribute to economic growth while also improving the environment. The central government facilitates innovative initiatives from society. The Green Deal helps to remove obstacles and achieve more rapid results. To date a number of 23 Green Deals have been initiated in the field of Biodiversity and nature. Some Examples are: Community of Practice (CoP) Businesses and Biodiversity and the Platform Businesses and Biodiversity and Economy (BEE).
4.Reporting current domestic biodiversity expenditures
Euro Member Countries (EUR)
in millions
Year Domestic expenditures Overall confidence
2007 1,492 Medium
2008 1,709 Medium
2009 1,892 Medium
2010 1,880 Medium
2011 1,825 Medium
2012 1,597 Medium
2013 1,707 Medium
2014 1,610 Medium
2015 1,455 Medium
Average 1,685 Medium
Numbers above cover Expenditures directly related to biodiversity Expenditures indirectly related to biodiversity
Government budgets – central
Government budgets – state/provincial
Government budgets – local/municipal
Other (NGO, foundations, academia)
No such assessment necessary
5. Reporting funding needs, gaps, and priorities

Please indicate your annual estimated funding need (for instance, based on your revised NBSAP) and calculate the estimated funding gap by subtracting estimated available resources. Indicate actions for priority funding.

Please start with the year which is most appropriate for your own planning purposes.

Euro Member Countries (EUR)
in millions
Funding gaps are not applicable and have therefore not been estimated in the Netherlands
6. National finance plans
Please provide a brief synthesis of your finance plan, by indicating, in the table below, your planned resource mobilization, by source, and their respective planned contributions towards your identified finance gap.
Euro Member Countries (EUR)
in millions
  • Some measures taken
8. Availability of financial resources for achieving targets