Financial Reporting Framework: Reporting on baseline and progress towards 2015

  published: 25 Jul 2017
Identification of respondent
National Focal Point
Contact details of the respondent
Ministère du développement durable et des infrastructures
1. International financial resource flows

1.1 Please indicate the amount of resources provided by your country in support of biodiversity in developing countries, in particular least developed countries and small island developing States, as well as countries with economies in transition.

Please indicate, as appropriate, the nominal amount of financial resources provided by source as well as the total amount. Please also indicate your degree of confidence in the estimated amount or, alternatively, provide a range of estimates.

Euro Member Countries (EUR)
in units
Year ODA OOF Other flows Total
2010 2,523,316 2,523,316
Average (baseline) 2,523,316 0 0 2,523,316
  • Bilateral
  • Directly related
  • Indirectly related
OECD DAC Rio markers
official statistics as submitted to OECD DAC
Year ODA OOF Other flows Total
2011 3,927,493 3,927,493
2012 9,576,119 9,576,119
2013 8,959,557 8,959,557
2014 11,839,268 11,839,268
2015 8,715,399 8,715,399
Methodological information:
2. Inclusion of biodiversity in priorities and plans
Comprehensive inclusion
- National Governmental Plan (including biodiversity related matters under Chapter “Developpement Durable” pp.70) https://www.gouvernement.lu/3322796/Programme-gouvernemental.pdf - The national development strategy is currently finalised (“Plans directeurs sectoriels”). The strategy in general (and a specific Plan “Paysage”) aims at steering the development on a national level by preventing habitat fragmentation and by offering a long term vision for the sustainable development of infrastructure and natural sites: http://www.dat.public.lu/plans_caractere_reglementaire/plans_sectoriels/index.html.
3. Assessment and/or evaluation of values
  • Some assessments undertaken
An evaluation study of the ecosystem services in Luxembourg has started in 2014 and is currently finalised, including 13 sevices including provision of food, water and biotic energy; pollution control , erosion prevention, Regulation of floods and Water flows, Pollination, Life cycle Maintenance, Pedogenesis and maintenance of soil quality, climate regulation and recreational opportunities. The study will help to raise awareness about the importance of certain habitats and will also allow to raise leverage of nature when it comes to development projects.
4.Reporting current domestic biodiversity expenditures
Euro Member Countries (EUR)
in millions
Year Domestic expenditures Overall confidence
2012 29 Low
2013 30 Low
2014 31 Low
2015 32 Low
Average 31 Low
Numbers above cover Expenditures directly related to biodiversity Expenditures indirectly related to biodiversity
Government budgets – central
Government budgets – local/municipal
Other (NGO, foundations, academia)
Not yet started
5. Reporting funding needs, gaps, and priorities

Please indicate your annual estimated funding need (for instance, based on your revised NBSAP) and calculate the estimated funding gap by subtracting estimated available resources. Indicate actions for priority funding.

Please start with the year which is most appropriate for your own planning purposes.

Euro Member Countries (EUR)
in millions
6. National finance plans
Please provide a brief synthesis of your finance plan, by indicating, in the table below, your planned resource mobilization, by source, and their respective planned contributions towards your identified finance gap.
Euro Member Countries (EUR)
in millions
  • Some measures taken
- Action through the LEADER (Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Economie Rurale) Programme to give incentives for sustainable regional development(see page 21 of 5th National Report). - Work and actions of the Natural Parks and an nature syndicates to involve the private sector.
8. Availability of financial resources for achieving targets